How to Choose a Good Location for Your Greenhouse

Indoor growing can allow you to have fresh vegetables and flowers all year. It can protect your plants from cold winter temperatures, snow, sleet, blistering summer temperatures, and pests such as insects and animals that might damage the plants. If you are thinking about building a greenhouse on your property, choosing the right location is essential.

When selecting a site for your  greenhouse, you should think about how to maximize the amount of exposure to sunlight. The best location is to the south or southeast of a building or shade trees. It is best to choose a location that will provide sunlight all day. However, if this is not possible, morning sunlight is best because it will allow the plants to begin to produce food early in the day, which will make them grow faster.

Setting up your greenhouse to the east of a building or shade tree will allow it to collect a lot of sunlight from November to February. The next best location is to the southwest or west of a building and trees, which will allow plants to receive sunlight in the afternoon. Building your greenhouse in a northern location is only advisable if your plants do not need much sunlight.

Deciduous trees near your greenhouse can provide shade from intense late afternoon summer sunlight, but they should not provide shade in the morning. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall, which will allow the greenhouse to be exposed to sunlight in the winter. You should not choose a location for your greenhouse that is near evergreen trees, since they will block the sun in the winter. Since the sun is lower in the southern sky during the winter months, it will create long shadows from buildings and evergreen trees.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a site for your greenhouse is drainage. Try to choose a location that is higher than the surrounding area so that rainwater and irrigation water can travel away from the greenhouse.

You will also need access to heat and electricity to control the temperature in the greenhouse and water for the plants. The site you choose should be shielded from strong winter winds. You should also have a work space and storage area nearby.

Growing plants in a greenhouse can allow you to enjoy fresh vegetables and flowers throughout the year. Choosing the right location for your greenhouse can help you achieve the best results possible.

September 28, 2015Permalink

Why Should We Need A Greenhouse?

To build a greenhouse in your backyard offers many practical and economic benefits, as well as an opportunity to develop a healthy hobby either by yourself or with your family. Modern materials and changes in construction make greenhouses strong, durable, and easy to install. These factors have also caused prices to fall, making greenhouses an affordable option for many.

Growing food in a greenhouse can enhance your family’s food security. You can control the chemicals to which your food is exposed, and it will be available fresher and cheaper than the fruits and vegetables you could purchase at a supermarket.

Storms are becoming more frequent and stronger due to climate change. These storms can damage plants and wash away nutrient-rich topsoil. Growing plants in a greenhouse will help you to avoid the risks of extreme weather, including frost, cool spring temperatures, wind, hail, and snow.

Using a greenhouse can lengthen the growing season. It allows you to start growing seedlings earlier in the season and continue growing crops later than you could if you planted them outside. This can increase the quantity and size of your produce. A greenhouse will allow you to provide your family with fresh fruits and vegetables year-round.

A greenhouse can also protect plants from pests. Insects that live in the topsoil can eat crops, and birds can disturb seedlings when they dig into the soil looking for worms and insects. A greenhouse can keep these pests away from your crops.

In a greenhouse, crops can be grown either in containers or directly in the ground. Growing in the ground allows plants that are susceptible to airborne diseases, such as tomatoes, to grow larger and stronger.

Seeds germinate well in a greenhouse, which will prevent you from having to buy starters at a local nursery. Plants grown in a greenhouse generally have a high success rate.

Portable garage has an extensive selection of durable greenhouses that can help you grow an assortment of healthy fruits and vegetables all year.


September 16, 2015Permalink