How to Make a Decision between Heavy Duty Canopies and Light Weight Canopies

Canopies are a great idea for all sorts of outdoor gatherings to help protect guests, equipment, and other belongings from the elements. Canopies can be divided into two categories based on its durability, which are light weight and heavy duty canopies. These two types of canopies differ not only in the frame strength and thickness but the cover strength and thickness as well.

Light weight canopy tents are ideal for occasional use for a day or two at a time. They are usually constructed with an aluminum frame and weigh 40 lbs or less depending on the canopies size. These canopies are best for recreational use while tailgating, camping, enjoying backyard BBQs or family get-togethers. They are quickly assembled and usually require only one to two people to put it up. Light weight canopies are also inexpensive, store compact, and easy to transport.


Heavy-duty canopies can withstand the elements and stay erected for longer periods of time compared with light weight canopies. This style of tent usually weighs over 40 pounds. They work best for unpredictable weather conditions. But please attention that it is always far from a good recommendation to leave the tents unattended in the extreme weather. They can also serve as long-term garage storage solutions for shade or storage. Naturally, they do cost more, but they also last much longer. Whatever the application, heavy-duty canopies fill most requirements.


Depending on weather and frequency of use, you should select the most appropriate canopy for your own needs. If you want a canopy to use for shade while camping, a light weight canopy will suffice. However, if you’re looking for a canopy that you can store a car, boat or garden machines all-year round, you would be better off choosing a heavy duty canopy. Just make sure what really you want the canopies to do, and then you can make a smart decision and enjoy your time with them.

October 30, 2015Permalink