Using Grow Tent with Maintenance Work

We have introduced you indoor hydroponics and what you can do in the grow tent. If you have determined to start your planting, you may discover some of the problems in this work. Planting earlier in spring comes with many hazards, because many summer vegetables and flowers cannot tolerate frost.

Grow tents work essentially like the perfect small rooms especially suited to the starting seeds. A better grow tent has a reflective inner lining which helps to spread the light around the whole grow tent and then plants can hold therein. They not only keep the frost off the plants, but also keep the heat of the sun under the tent into the night, and the temperature in the air around the plant just enough to prevent damage. Regard a grow tent as a small temporary greenhouse. It is the tent-like structure that can be set up either indoors or outdoors providing a controlled environment for your flowers. Grow tents come in all sizes, so you can use a grow tent as one of main components of your garden, or you can simply use a smaller grow tent for plants which are delicate. Fortunately, using a grow tent takes little maintenance work.


  • If you place your grow tent outside, open the sides of the grow tent during the day. This will allow air in, allow sun light in, and regulate the heat inside. While, if your grow tent is inside, you can leave your sides down the entire time. The grow tent will keep a constant temperature even indoors.
  • Close the sides of the grow tent at night to prevent frost and freezing. Closing the grow tent will trap heat inside the tent during cold nights.
  • Remove the grow tent if the flowers or plants grow too large and replace it with a larger one.
June 19, 2012Permalink